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Flowserve is committed to providing you with world-class support
Whether you need product information, have a quick question, or want to consult a knowledgeable expert about a challenge unique to your operation, this page provides a convenient starting point. In addition to frequently asked questions (FAQs), it serves as a portal to further resources — from catalogs to technical documentation, industry analysis, informative videos and more. You can also use it to locate the nearest sales, distribution or service representatives, or contact Flowserve directly with other questions.
Flowserve provides an extensive selection of products, documents, software, services and solutions. Find out more below.
Access a collection of product and technical literature, plus industry news and analysis, case studies, videos and more.
A collection of online tools to help you make smarter decisions while working more efficiently and accurately.
Your hub for the latest handheld support files, sizing or configuration tools, and visibility to performance monitoring data.
Meet with Flowserve experts, get on-site product demos, and learn firsthand about services, solutions and technology advancements.
Learn how the Flowserve Cares program is making meaningful impacts in the communities where our employees and customers live and work.
Find Flowserve representatives near you
Find your closest Flowserve resource for new products and replacement parts. We can help improve performance and safety throughout your operation.
Searching for a service or repair for your equipment? Connect with a nearby Quick Response Center (QRC) to resolve problems and optimize equipment.
SpecialistsAre you looking for thought leaders with the expertise you need in your industry? We have industry and application specialists around the world who can assist you.
Frequently asked questions
What does Flowserve do?Flowserve manufactures and services solutions for the world’s most critical fluid motion and control challenges. We make the world better for everyone with a broad portfolio of more than 100 pump models plus a wide range of valve and seal products.
We help companies save time and money with RedRaven, a complete a complete internet of things (IoT) solution that monitors and analyzes equipment conditions and recommends proactive corrective actions; and Flowserve enables companies to create efficient net-zero solutions that enable them to accomplish their energy transition objectives.
How long has Flowserve been in business?The company’s heritage and expertise with flow control solutions date back to the year 1790. The Flowserve brand name originated in 1997 with the merger of BW/IP and Durco International.
What industries does Flowserve support?Flowserve creates solutions for the oil and gas, chemicals, power, water and general industry sectors. We support a diverse range of applications, including diesel, seawater desalination, wastewater, nuclear and concentrated solar power (CSP), pharmaceuticals, agriculture, food and beverage, and many more.
Where can I find the latest updates and technical information about Flowserve products?Flowserve’s library, the Knowledge Center, provides a quick and easy way to find product brochures, catalogs, user instructions and other resources from every segment of our wide-ranging expertise in the flow control industry. You can also access a robust collection of white papers, case studies and the latest industry news.
Do I have the most current software for my Flowserve equipment?Flowserve regularly updates the software for its flow management equipment to make sure your assets are working their hardest for you. You can find the latest software and support files, organized by category for quick access, on our Software Downloads page.
What aftermarket support services does Flowserve offer?If you have an immediate challenge to solve, our global network of service centers can ship a wide array of quality replacement parts in as little as 24 to 48 hours. And our global team of skilled technicians can troubleshoot and repair your critical assets at your site (or ours), helping to prevent small problems from becoming massive outages.
To get the most out of your operation, Flowserve offers optimization services to ensure that your equipment, systems and processes run as efficiently as possible. We also offer solutions that accurately predict equipment behavior, enabling you to detect failures before they happen, increase asset availability and uptime, and reduce maintenance costs.
For more information, visit the Service Capabilities page.
Where can I get training for Flowserve products?Flowserve training is available at our regional training centers, on-site at your facility, online, or through a blended learning approach. A variety of remote learning options are also available to safeguard your employees’ safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.
You can choose from our current catalog of course offerings, or have Flowserve develop custom training programs tailored to your schedule, personnel and objectives. Visit the Educational Services & Training section of our website to learn more.
What is Flowserve’s position on sustainability?Sustainable development is a key part of Flowserve’s commitment to making the world better, together. Our sustainability program has three key objectives: valuing our people, protecting the planet, and promoting operational excellence. These three objectives serve as our guide as we reduce our environmental footprint and advance technologies that support energy transition, build a safe and inclusive culture for our associates, contribute to our communities, maintain strong governance practices, and drive efficient business processes. Visit our Corporate Sustainability page for more details.
What is Flowserve’s policy for working with non-U.S. vendors?The following documents provide information relating to vendors with a permanent establishment of address outside of the U.S.
Outlines the procedures to be followed by all non-U.S. (foreign) vendors.
Service definition/required documentation
Addresses what services are subject to this policy and the corresponding documentation required.
IRS tax forms/instructions
A list of the IRS tax forms you will need, plus links to the IRS website for the actual forms and instructions. A brief summary of the purpose of each form is also provided.
Obtaining a U.S. TIN
Information on obtaining a U.S. federal tax identification number (TIN) and links to the corresponding forms.
Submit forms
Instructions for submitting your completed forms to the Flowserve Corporate tax department.
Answers to frequently asked questions about Flowserve policies for non-U.S. vendors.
Feel free to contact us at [email protected] or [email protected] if you need further information.
Where can I find information about Flowserve’s insurance program?Insurance coverage is managed by Flowserve’s Global Insurance and Risk Management Department in coordination with Marsh USA, Flowserve’s global insurance broker. Details of Flowserve’s insurance programs for the United States and Canada, including policy numbers, limits and insurance companies, can be found on the Memorandum of Insurance page.
What are Flowserve's UK-specific strategies and reports?For details about Flowserve’s compliance with the UK’s gender pay gap regulations, limited pension plan for UK employees and the BW/IP International Limited Pension Plan, visit the UK Regulatory Reports page.
For information on UK taxes, visit the UK Tax Strategy page.