Emergency Medical Services

The Office of Emergency Medical Services (OEMS) certifies more than 26,000 Emergency Medical Technician (EMTs) and 1,700 Mobile Intensive Care Paramedics (MICP's) as well as licensing mobility assistance vehicles, ambulances, mobile intensive care units, specialty care transport units and air medical units totaling more than 4,500 vehicles.

Created in 1967, Office of Emergency Medical Services (OEMS) was the first office of its kind in the United States. OEMS is part of the department's division of Public Health Infrastructure, Laboratories, & Emergency Preparedness.

For routine business questions, please call 609-633-7777 or send an email to ems@doh.nj.gov

For licensed services needing to report a regulatory issue after hours, please utilize the number listed on the licensing platform

Security Alerts

Contact EMS

OEMS Telephone Number: 609-633-7777 OEMS Email: ems@doh.nj.gov
OEMS FAX Number: 609-984-5647

EMT Scope of Practice Waiver

The New Jersey Department of Health Office of Emergency Medical Services (OEMS) has approved changes that authorize Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) providing service for a Basic Life Support (BLS) Ambulance Service to expand their scope of practice under certain conditions.

BLS Ambulance Services wishing to expand their EMTs' scope of practice to include Albuterol, Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP), Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP), and/or Glucometers must submit a complete application to ems@doh.nj.gov. The application must include all elements outlined in the waiver, specifically:

1. Cover Letter: Required elements are outlined in the waiver.

2. Education Program for Each Medication, Skill, and/or Procedure:
• Curriculum
• Lesson Plan
• Cognitive Examination
• Competency Assessment Instrument

3. Written Clinical Protocol for each medication, skill, and/or procedure.

4. Written Policies and Procedures:
• To initiate and request advanced life support services (ALS)
• Storage and Maintenance
• Maintenance of Sufficient Quantities
• Assessment of Competency
• Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement
• Documentation and Use
• Maintenance and Testing of Medical Equipment
• CLIA Waiver

Please note that applications will be reviewed in the order they are received. OEMS will initiate the review process only upon receipt of a complete application. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. All inquiries regarding the waiver should be sent to ems@doh.nj.gov

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Candace Gardner
Office of Emergency Medical Services

Anti-Choking Device Position Statement

Dear EMS Provider/Stakeholder,

The New Jersey Department of Health Office of Emergency Medical Services has received multiple inquiries regarding anti-choking devices marketed for community use in case of a foreign body obstruction. The Department has reviewed these devices and is issuing a position statement regarding their use in the pre-hospital setting and/or non-emergency medical transports. Should you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us at ems@doh.nj.gov. Thank you.

Candace Gardner
Office of Emergency Medical Services