Graduate Handbook

Registration for summer session should be completed during the spring at the same time as registration for fall semester. All students are encouraged to register for courses through Workday. Detailed instructions are provided in the Registration Overview for Students how-to article.

2.1.1 Full-Time Status

During the academic year, graduate students not on assistantship must be registered for a minimum of nine credits to be considered full-time students, or five credits to be considered half-time students. Students on an assistantship appointment during the academic year are considered full-time.

2.1.2 Credit Load Limit

Registration in credit courses is limited to a maximum of 15 credits per semester (10 credits for summer session) for graduate students, per Board of Regents. Maximum limits for graduate students are shown in the following table:

Appointment Base Semester Summer Session
no appointment 15 credits 10 credits
1/4 - time or less 15 credits 10 credits
over 1/4 - time to 1/2 time 12 credits 6 credits
over 1/2 - time to 3/4 - time 9 credits 5 credits

The credit-hour limits for graduate students may be exceeded only in exceptional circumstances with the written recommendation of the major professor. For more information on registration requirements for those students on assistantship appointments, see Graduate Students on Assistantship in Chapter 3.

2.2 - Registration Policies

A graduate student is required to be registered during the following: